WebResources - Watch the creation time
4/24/2010 11:26:00 PM
Posted by RIAlog
One day I had a simple task to do: take one site, fully working with no issues and load it on another server.
It sounds simple. Well, just like any real time-stealing task everything went fine till I tested it and from some odd reason some of the menus and visual components went crasy.
The problem we saw was bad request or denied access to the .axd compiled resources on page.
After hours of investigation I found it: The servers TIME & DATE were wrong. When you upload a compiled resource - the server use the creation date to create a key for that resource. That key probably being computed using the current date and file's creation date. When the creation date is in the future - the calculation returns some invalid value and that resource is being denied.
I hope I saved someone's time..
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